Student Solution


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– Nelson Mandela

1 University

1 Course

1 Subject

Operation Management-Leadership OM Techniques

Operation Management-Leadership OM Techniques

Q • For Week 5 - Write a 5 page paper Read Book- It's Your Ship on Leadership. Describe the traits you observed in the Captain. Discuss the Captain's style using examples. Identify at least 10 operation management techniques / examples of each (Lean Thinking, Process Control, Supply Chain, Quality Tools for example), or tools the captain use to manage his company (ship).. Also, is this the type of boss you would like to work for and why?

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“It’s Your Ship” is a book written by the navy captain D. Michael Abrashoff. The book is a tale of his leadership to manage his ship USS Benfold and his experience and learning on that journey. When the captain Abrashoff had taken the charge of the USS Benfold, then the ship was equipped with the best possible cutting-edge technologies, but failed to use those technologies in the optimum level. So, even with the help of the latest technologies, the ship failed to achieve the required level of the productivity. It is because the technology is a mere tool and without the proper leadership a team often fails to properly use those technologies to enhance their efficiency and productivity.